We have several ways for you to order and to ensure your order arrives expediently and accurately.
To place your order you may call or write to Pete Harry Daylilies at:
email: sales@peteharrydaylilies.com
orders: (954) 325-1334
An order form is available on this web site. Please mail your order to:
Pete Harry Daylilies
2450 Woodlea Road
Tavares, FL 32778
For your convenience Visa and MasterCard are accepted.
I recommend that you specify a shipping date when you place your order, and we will do everything we can to ensure your order is shipped on that date. We will also notify you when your order has been shipped. To ensure we have your best and most current contact information, please provide your email address and telephone number when placing your order. All orders are shipped on a first-come-first-served basis and will be shipped by U.S. Postal Service Priority Mail. Shipping charges will be billed at the time of shipping.
We ship bare-root plants by US Priority Mail.
Orders will be processed on a first come, first served basis. Please indicate when ordering if substitutions are permitted. No substitutions will be made without your permission.
Please indicate your requested shipment date with your order. (Shipping will be billed at time of shipment.) Please order early, so as not to be disappointed! Many cultivars are limited.
Florida residents add 6.5% sales tax.
All plants are guaranteed to be healthy at time of shipment. Any requests for plant replacement will be considered on an individual basis and must be made within 14 days of the shipping date.
We ship worldwide, please contact for the latest list of countries we are able to ship to. Our minimum order for international customers is $500.00 USD, plus $95.00 for handling and Phytosanitary certificate.
Actual Shipping costs are charged separately, at time of shipping.