Pete Harry Daylilies... Daylilies Of Distinction
Pete Harry Daylilies
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Daylilies Of Distinction


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Truly Exotic

TET 18-9 (Waves of Joy X Pete’s Electric Blue Beauty) 6.75” flower, 28” scape, ER, EM, SEV, 4 way branching, 23 buds.

This cultivar is a striking example of what I have been trying to achieve in patterned daylilies.  The complex eye pattern may change day to day but never fades or becomes non-descript.  A large bright green throat accents the exotic pattern of lavender, blue, burgundy and silver.  The real advance is in the strong petal edges of lavender, blue and burgundy. While I normally do not like pinched petals Truly Exotic has a modest amount only on the first part of the petals, exposing the wildly patterned sepals as if by design.