Pete Harry Daylilies... Daylilies Of Distinction
Pete Harry Daylilies
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Daylilies Of Distinction


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Thats Life

DIP (Hard to Believe X Kaleidoscope Queen X ( Kaleidoscope Queen X Green Eye Envy)
6.5” flower, 3- way branching, 20 buds on a 30” scape. EM, RE, SEV.
A very mediocre photo for such a beautiful flower.  I did not realize this was the only photo I had until it was too late.  This full form flower has a streaking lavender patterned eye with a darker mascara outer ring.  The very large green throat stands out and the base color is a cream white.  This is my go to Dip breeder as it easily sets pods in full sun.  Fertile both ways.