Pete Harry Daylilies... Daylilies Of Distinction
Pete Harry Daylilies
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Daylilies Of Distinction


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Tavares Fire Ball

TET 13-30 (Check Me Out X Seedling)
6.25”, EM, RE, SEV, 29”Scape, 3 Way branching, 25 buds.

Like having a Ball of Fire blooming in your garden this unique daylilies huge eye of bright tangerine has a star burst that at times can touch the ends of the petals.  The base color is gold and the petals have a double edge of tangerine and gold. 
The wide blunt sepals have a pattern that exactly matches the eye, I bread this flower to some of my concentric ring patterns in an effort to push the pattern out to the petals edges.  A Big Oh Wow!!!