Pete Harry Daylilies... Daylilies Of Distinction
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Daylilies Of Distinction


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Rossen's Red Lips

Tet 13-34 (Bullfrog kisses X Too Hot to Touch)
7”, EM, RE, SEV, 32” Scape, 4 Way Branching, 28 Buds

Rossen’s Red Lips is the pinnacle of our red eye and edge breeding.  We are well known for our previous introductions in this color type and unlike some Rossen’s Red Lips has intense true red colors, the throat is bright green with a large red eye.  The petals have a large ruffled edge of the same color.  The base color is a very lite chiffon yellow giving a wonderful contrast.
Large blooms have outstanding shape and substance on strong tall scapes.  A real Beauty