Pete Harry Daylilies... Daylilies Of Distinction
Pete Harry Daylilies
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Daylilies Of Distinction


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Pretty Persuasive

TET 19-17 (Strawberry Valentine X Seedling)
EM, SEV, RE, 6.75” flower, 36” scape, 6 way branching, 35 buds.
This is a very fine daylily when you consider all of its features.  Superb 36” scape with wide branches and up to 40 buds produce a nonstop blooming daylily.  The superb overlapping flowers have heavy substance.  The base color of lite cream pink which highlights the very large eye of lush strawberry pink.  The ruffled petal edge is of the same color and together with the eye leave only a small amount of base color.  A personal Favorite.