Pete Harry Daylilies... Daylilies Of Distinction
Pete Harry Daylilies
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Daylilies Of Distinction


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One in a Million

TET 19-10 (Cosmic Adventure X Tet Eye Envy You)
EM, SEV, RE, 6.75” flower, 28” scape, 3 way branching, 23 buds.
This name could not be more fitting as I have not seen a daylily remotely like this and shows the power of advance conversions.  To start the massive bright green throat extend way out in the petals and sepals.  The very large patterned eye is washed with violet lavender and gray and darker streaks of color radiant throughout.  The petals base color is dark lavender with ornate petal edge of multiply colors, caped with serrated cream white. The sepals’ have a splash petal effect with a blotch of dark lavender ending with a cream white.  Simply the most amazing flower I have seen.   Single fan $ 250.00 or free with the collection.