Pete Harry Daylilies... Daylilies Of Distinction
Pete Harry Daylilies
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Daylilies Of Distinction

Pete's Passion

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Pete's Passion

Tet ( Blue Eclipse X Blue Abis)   6 ¾ “ EM, RE, SEV, 30” Scape 4 way branching 28 buds.

Stunning, this flower has no peer and when I realize we had enough plants to introduce I thought we had a problem. Why? Because it will be quite sometime before we have a new cultivar to match, much less exceed, this fabulous flower.  This large flower has an eye and ¾” edge of intense lavender blue.

The petal edge is topped by the largest gold edge that I have seen in this type of breeding.

The flowers have excellent shape with very nice scapes and foliage.

This is my favorite flower in the garden.